Rain Tight Electrical Fittings for Solar Projects
You’re installing the next generation of alternative energy. . .
So why are you using electrical fittings developed in the 1940’s ?
Our Next Generation Products Provide Integrity, Quality, & Reliability
Save Labor on Your Installed Costs and Significantly Increase Project Lifetime Performance & Value
Guaranteed Rain Tight
American Fittings offers the next generation of liquid-tight fittings, rain tight fittings, grounding bushings, bonding fittings, and hardware to meet your solar installation requirements. When you’re installing or designing innovative ways to generate energy, be sure to Think AMERICAN, One Call, One Source

Liquid Tight Fittings (seal tite)
Available: 1/2″ to 4″ Straight, 90 & 45’s
All with Various Grounding Options

Water TIGHT Ground Hubs Alloy Steel, Aluminum or Stainless Steel
Available: 1/2″ to 4″ NPT Threads, Various Grounding Options
Lugs and Cu Tin Plated Lugs Available
Low Profile, Saves Space, Lug Can Be Repositioned for EZ Wiring

Better Products, Better Ideas for Solar

When wiring solar panels, one of the options is flexible conduit or liquid-tight conduit. These have the benefit of being lighter weight while still having the same requirements for UL Listings as rigid conduit. All installations will require UL Listings on products to ensure that product performance meets the NEC.
All American Fittings raintight and liquid-tight products are UL Listed and approved for extreme environmental conditions. AMFICO has the experience and innovative product solutions needed to drive down overall installation and on-going maintenance costs of solar systems
Unlike die-cast fittings, our precision machined alloy steel fittings allow you to provide full torque values without concern for cracking the fitting. Alternatively, plastic fittings have a concern with UV, maintaining environmental ratings is varying outdoor temperatures.